Corporate Governance
Meet the representatives of Facephi’s governing bodies, as well as the objectives of its corporate governance.
Board of Directors

Javier Mira

Juan Alfonso Ortiz

David Devesa

Manuel Lanfossi

Pablo Reig
Javier Mira
President, CEO & Co-founder of FacePhi
Juan Alfonso Ortiz
Secretary of the Board of Directors
David Devesa
Member of the Board of Directors
Pablo Reig
Member of the Board of Directors
Manuel Lanfossi
Member of the Board of Directors
Appointments and Remuneration Committee
David José Devesa
Pablo Reig
Juan Alfonso Ortiz
Corporate governance
The objective of good corporate governance at Facephi focuses on creating environments of trust, transparency and accountability that favour long-term investments, financial stability and business integrity.
Corporate Governance Model
Our good governance practices, aimed at preserving the integrity of the company and maximising the value of its financial and intellectual capital, define the framework of responsibility of the company's Senior Management, under the principles of self-regulation and autonomy of will.

Commitment to investors
Based on equal conditions among shareholders, Facephi seeks to ensure access to relevant information in a transparent, fluid and complete manner, not only through the channels established by the stock market, but also by proactively offering the investor other channels for additional information.
Commitment to equal opportunities
The people involved are a fundamental part of the engine that drives development at Facephi. This is why, from the beginning, its growth has been geared towards offering equal opportunities and the promotion of excellence at all levels, including the Board of Directors and its committees.
Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals s (SDGs) and the fight against climate change
At Facephi we are committed to the implementation of corporate social responsibility actions. For this reason, we are part of the UN Global Compact and, in line with its Sustainable Development Goals, we seek to achieve a real impact on the environment. Our technology contributes to reducing environmental impact, due to the fact that certain daily operations are digitised, dispensing with the use of paper and plastic such as identification cards.
Ethics and Compliance
In our commitment to Business Ethics and Regulatory Compliance, we periodically review and update our Compliance and Criminal Risk Prevention Model. We have additionally implemented an Information Channel to improve the promotion of an ethical culture and good governance, as well as to prevent any irregular behaviour of any person linked to FACEPHI. To ensure the proper functioning and management of the Compliance Model, a Compliance Committee has been appointed.