logo Compliance

Ethical code

Board of Directors commitment

Excellence in service, commitment to results, environment responsible managing, interest in people, safety and health, social commitment and integrity, and transparency, are the commitments of Corporate responsibility policy of FACEPHI BIOMETRÍA S.A.

The supervision of the company’s performance in this area falls, ultimately, on the Board of Directors, as established in the recommendations of the Code of Ethics and the Regulations of the Board. The Board is responsible for the approval of Facephi’s Corporate Responsibility Policy, receiving, at least annually, information on the implementation and general monitoring of said policy.

Likewise, the Board of Directors oversees the effective integration of Corporate responsibility in the company’s strategy and in its daily management, thus achieving a solid corporate responsibility culture.

The implementation of a Criminal Risk Prevention Plan is the result of carrying out that Board of Directors responsibility, in its eagerness to ensure the proper implementation and monitoring of the commitments assumed.

Code of Ethics

Once the new version is approved, this Code of Ethics is based on the definition of the Mission, Values and Principles of Facephi.

It constitues a guide to ensure the best behaviour in the professional performance of its employees, in accordance with the laws of each of the countries where Facephi’s activities are carried out and respecting the values of their respective cultures.

The FACEPHI Penal Risk Prevention Plan

Being a responsible company. That is our base. With our compliance system we want to establish a culture of compliance of all Facephi employee’s minds and actions.

For Facephi, promoting integrity means acting in accordance with our values ​​(responsible, excellent and innovative) in all our actions as a company. Compliance is a key element: compliance with the law and our internal regulations. Facephi Compliance System is divided into three levels of action: Prevent, Detect and Respond. These levels comprise an integral system of activities through which we want to guarantee that our business is always carried out in accordance with applicable legislation and regulations, as well as based on our own internal principles and guidelines.

Compliance Committee

Its purpose is to review the implementation of the Compliance plan, detecting its effectiveness, and reporting, quarterly, to the Board of Directors about the dissemination, knowledge and compliance with the Criminal Risk Prevention Plan, the Code of Ethics and the Confidential Information Protocol, in avoidance of market abuse practices.