Password recovery

Facephi is positioned as a leader in digital identity management and verification, offering advanced, secure technology for financial institutions and insurance companies. Our innovative solutions guarantee impeccable security and operational efficiency, adapting to changing market needs. 


Efficiency in password recovery and cost reductions

Efficiency in password recovery and cost reductions in OTP shipments, thanks to identity verification with biometrics and multi-factor authentication.


Multibiometric Solution

Multibiometric Solution for an unsurpassed level of security with the best user experience. 


Behavioural biometrics

High-precision technology to authenticate users based on their behavioural patterns.

Ensure operational efficiency and cost reduction for OTP shipments.

Download the use case and discover how to implement an efficient and secure password recovery process.
Recuperación de contraseña

Key innovations in biometric authentication

Integration of passive liveness

For real-time anti-fraud protection.

Maximum Integrability and Interoperability

It integrates easily with existing systems, allowing for a seamless transition.

Biometric capture

With an authentication process in less than 0.34 seconds.

Technological superiority

Competitive advantages of Facephi


Commitment and future vision of Facephi

Facephi establishes itself as the leader in digital identity protection and verification, addressing not only emerging challenges but also effectively solving the current needs of our clients. Our commitment is to offer advanced solutions that meet and exceed the expectations of the present, whilst defining the innovation standards for the future. 

Ready to take your company's security to the next level?

 Contact us now or request a demo of our solutions.