
Navigating the Future of Digital Wallets: Security, Standards, and Innovations

Webinar Navigating the Future of Digital Wallets: Security, Standards, and Innovations

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital wallets, stakeholders grapple with complexities—from emerging security threats to a disparate set of global regulations and standards. Combining user-friendly experiences with robust security and interoperability remains a central challenge.

Join our special webinar featuring both our in-house tech expert, Kai Phillips, and guest expert Daniel Goldscheider, the founder of the OpenWallet Foundation, where we will discuss some of the most pressing challenges with digital wallets, including:

  • What is a digital wallet and why there’s such growing interest in developing them?
  • How digital wallets have transcended beyond mere financial transactions to offer a broad spectrum of functionalities.
  • The urgency and significance of open standards in unifying global standards and ensuring the interoperability of digital wallets.
  • How AI and machine learning are shaping the future of digital wallets.

Join us for an enlightening discussion that promises to equip you with the insights you need to navigate the complexities and opportunities in the digital wallet space. Register today!

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